Why Choose the Dating Vertical?

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New Member
Jan 21, 2024
As mentioned above, dating arbitrage is highly popular among webmasters. There are several reasons why you should pay attention to this vertical, and we list them below!

  1. High demand.According to Statista, the revenue of online dating sites will reach $2.98 billion in 2023. Furthermore, it is expected to grow even stronger by 2027, reaching $3.39 billion, making the prospects maximum!
  2. Wide and diverse audience.This vertical attracts a multitude of users of different orientations, marital statuses, genders, and ages. In general, the audience of dating apps is projected to reach 438 million users by 2027 according to Statista forecasts.
  3. Attractive payouts.Dating sites often offer high payouts to arbitrageurs, sometimes up to 75% of the sale amount. This makes this vertical highly profitable for affiliate marketing professionals.
  4. Easy way to earn.Many dating platforms operate on the RevShare model, meaning arbitrageurs can receive monthly payouts as long as their clients remain active on the site.