How neural networks are being used for revenge porn

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New Member
Jan 12, 2024
The term revenge porn emerged in 2000, when the first cases of ex-boyfriends taking revenge on their girlfriends through the publication of explicit materials with her appeared. Revenge porn is always aimed at the complete destruction of the girl's social life: such videos and photos are sent to relatives, friends, colleagues, bosses and classmates. Thus the victim feels humiliated and cannot continue to lead a normal life. Many girls who found themselves in this situation tried to commit suicide, especially teenagers.

For the last 2 years neural networks have been applied to revenge porn. Now it is not even necessary to have personal materials in the archive, it is enough just to "undress" a girl with a neural network or superimpose her face on a random porn video from porn tubes:

<strong>Как нейросети и ИИ может повлиять на порно-индустрию</strong>

For example, we found this thread on Reddit, where a girl told about someone making porn of her face with the help of neural network. He took the photos from her public Instagram account*. She called the police to report it, but was simply advised to block the person and hope he doesn't do it again. Legislation in most countries still cannot regulate the creation of dipfakes and therefore most authors go unpunished.

Most often the subject of revenge porn are teenagers and students, as they are most susceptible to the influence of other people. A recent story that took place in the suburbs of New York City, where teenagers created and shared generated porn with their classmates is proof of this. Parents of the girls quickly found out about it, as these videos were sent to all students of the school. To achieve punishment did not succeed, but the psyche of the girls suffered.

In the CIS, strip videos are used by extortionists to blackmail victims to get money for silence. For this purpose, they use bots in Telegram or special neural networks, such as Undress.AI. We decided to give it a try and see how believable a popular OnlyFans model would look if you undress her in a Telegram bot:
<strong>Как нейросети и ИИ может повлиять на порно-индустрию</strong>

Since we can't post nude photos here anyway, we'll attach a blurred version. By its outlines, you can roughly understand how plausible the neural network has managed. Specifically in this Telegram bot, in order to undress a girl, you have to pay a fee
We do not support any use of other people's photos without the consent of their owners and condemn extortion and blackmail.

In 2023, artificial intelligence has penetrated all areas of the porn industry. Most likely, its influence will only increase in the future: experts say that by 2025, half of all accounts on OnlyFans will be generated by neural networks.

In any case, real models and porn featuring real actresses will always have an advantage and greater success. To summarize, neuroporn and real porn are simply different categories that provide different experiences. There are advantages and disadvantages to each, but they have a right to exist.

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