Recent content by Jessica_Luck

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  1. J

    Uploading Reels from TikTok, does it work?

    Yes, it works. The most interesting nuance is that Instagram still analyzes the metadata of your videos, and you can upload one video from TikTok to any number of Instagram accounts without any processing or issues, while still getting views. So, you take your video from TikTok, download it...
  2. J

    Why the Popularity of MILF Porn is Growing: What Makes Mature Women So Attractive to Men?

    As is tradition, PornHub summed up the year, and in 2023, the MILF category ranked fifth in popularity worldwide. Compared to the previous year, it rose by one point, prompting me to delve into why men are drawn to MILFs rather than canonical eighteen-year-old students. It all comes down to how...