Often, we find ourselves in a situation where a member used to make good purchases but suddenly stopped messaging altogether. It's great if you notice this and try to address it! In this post, we'll explore some ways to send a message to a member in a varied manner and attempt to regain their attention 
It's important to do this tactfully and casually to avoid creating a sense of pressure. Here are a few ideas to write based on your previous conversations:
Hi! Today, I was at the bookstore, saw the book you recommended a while ago, and immediately thought of you. How are you doing?
Shared Interests
Hey! You won't believe it! Remember you were talking about a new event in our favorite game? Well, it's already started! What prize did you win?
If you don't answer me, you'll never know my most interesting story!
And I found out something about you, and I'm still in shock!
Shared Events
Today is the last episode of your favorite show. Are you gonna watch?

It's important to do this tactfully and casually to avoid creating a sense of pressure. Here are a few ideas to write based on your previous conversations:

Hi! Today, I was at the bookstore, saw the book you recommended a while ago, and immediately thought of you. How are you doing?

Hey! You won't believe it! Remember you were talking about a new event in our favorite game? Well, it's already started! What prize did you win?

If you don't answer me, you'll never know my most interesting story!
And I found out something about you, and I'm still in shock!

Today is the last episode of your favorite show. Are you gonna watch?