Dating Spill Checklist: 4 Stages 1

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Jan 21, 2024
  1. Choosing the Payment TypeThere are four main payout models for the dating niche, and we will discuss each one below. You can choose the one that aligns with your experience and preferences.
PPS (Pay Per Sale)This model involves affiliates receiving a percentage of the purchase made on the online dating site through their referral link. Payouts can range from 30% to 75% of the sales amount.

PPL (Pay Per Lead)In this model, partners are paid for each lead they direct to the dating site. This could include registrations for a free trial version or filling out a profile on the platform. Payouts can vary from $1 to $10 per lead.

Revenue ShareThis model allows partners to receive a percentage of the revenue generated by their leads over a specific period, usually monthly. Payouts can range from 25% to 50% of the revenue.

Hybrid ModelSome dating platforms offer a combination of PPS and PPL models, where arbitrators can receive both commissions from sales in the app and payouts for attracting potential clients.